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Article I. Bylaws Purpose

Section 1.01

The purpose of this document is to guide and ensure the effective operation of the Committee of New Jersey Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous, also referred to as “NJYPAA,” with the utmost regard to the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, and 12 Concepts for World Service of Alcoholics Anonymous, and the many guiding principles of our fellowship.

Article II. Mission Statement

Section 2.01

We, of the NJYPAA Committee, are united for the purpose of hosting a Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous convention within the State of New Jersey. Our service committee’s mission shares the Primary Purpose of Alcoholics Anonymous: ‘to stay sober and to help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.’ Though a committee within the Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous community, our membership is open to any member of AA who is willing to participate in supporting the endeavors of this committee. In the pursuit of this end, we should also be prudent to;

Promote unity and inclusivity amongst young AA members within the entire state of New Jersey, surrounding states and communities, and AA as a whole.

a. Develop and nurture the presence of young people within the General Service Structure.

b. Support the recovery of young people and all those who desire to stop drinking in AA through service, fellowship, and the program of AA.

c. Fulfill the Responsibility Statement of Alcoholics Anonymous: “When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help we want the hand of AA always to be there, and for that we are responsible.”

d. Show the newcomer that an alcoholic of any age can recover in AA and live a life that is happy, joyous, and free.

Article III. NJYPAA Committee Operating Procedures

Section 3.01 General

(a) Committee meetings are commonly held the third Sunday of every month, unless an emergent or a rescheduled meeting is required. Chair may hold emergent business meetings at their discretion. A second meeting every month will be installed three months prior to the convention.

(b) In order to hold a meeting, the Committee must reach Quorum. Quorum for the Committee is 1⁄2 of the total of elected chairs.

Section 3.02 Agenda

(a) All items on the agenda should be submitted to the Secretary and Chair 72 hours prior to the committee meeting time. The Agenda will be sent to all known members of the Committee 24 hours prior to the Committee Meeting.

(b) If any member has new business prior to the meeting that was not reported to the Secretary within the suggested timeframe, it is asked that he/she inform the Chair and Secretary prior to the start of the meeting.

(c) It is the Right of Decision of the Chair, Co-Chair, and Secretary to set the agenda for the meeting. If new business is brought during the meeting, the Chair may table it for collective consideration until the following business meeting unless time is of the essence.

(d) Agendas are to follow this order:
(i) Opening Prayer.
(ii) Introductions/Roll Call
(iii) Reading of last month’s minutes
(iv) Reports- (in order) Steering Committee Officers, Elected Chairs, Ad-Hoc or Appointed Chairs. (v) 7th Tradition

(vi) Old Business
(vii) New Business
(viii) Open Forum General Discussion (viiii) AA Related Announcements
(x) Closing

Section 3.03 Minutes

(a) The Secretary is to prepare each meeting’s minutes.
(b) Digital copies of the minutes are to be made available to A.A. members upon request.

(c) The minutes will be delivered to Committee members and the Board of Directors and/or Advisory Council within 48 hours of the closing of the Committee meeting.

(d) Each member should review the previous Committee minutes. Thus, no questions regarding the previous meeting’s minutes 

will be heard during the present Committee meeting.

(e) The prior month’s minutes are to be read at each committee meeting unless dispensed with by a motion, which is favored by majority vote.

(f) The Chair is responsible for conducting the meeting in a manner which allows the Secretary to make the most accurate notes possible.

(g) The Chair will honor all requests for clarification from the Secretary.

Section 3.04 Reports

(a) Reports shall inform the Committee of the status, progress, and direction of the Elected Officers and/or Sub-Committees.

(i) All Elected Officers and Chair positions shall give a report to the committee at every regularly scheduled Committee meeting.

(b) If Sub-Committee meetings are held, those minutes will be submitted to the Secretary, and a summary be given during the respective Chairperson’s report.

(c) Following each report, the Chair shall ask if there are any questions regarding that specific report.

Section 3.05 Motions and Voting Procedures

(a) In order for a motion to be discussed and voted upon, it must be seconded by another member of the Committee

(i) Motions are generally made during reports, Old Business, New Business, or by submission to the Chair or Secretary prior to the Committee meeting.

(b) In the event a motion is not seconded, it is immediately considered a dead motion.

(c) Once a motion has been properly seconded, the Chair will re-read the motion at hand before opening for discussion. Discussion is not required for every motion. It is at the discretion of the Chair to determine the amount of time allotted and the number of voices heard during discussion of any given motion.

(d) Once the Chair calls for a vote, they will once more read the motion being voted upon.

(e) Unless the motion requires a Third Legacy Procedure or a 2/3 majority votes for Third Legacy Procedure, a simple 2/3 majority is required to pass a motion. In the event a clear 2/3’s majority is not a whole number by the sum of the voting members, the majority will be the next highest number. (i.e 19 voting member, 19 X 2/3 = 12.66, so majority would be 13 votes.)

(f) Any motion may be withdrawn by the member who made the motion at any time prior to the call of the vote.
(g) Motions may be amended by a committee 2/3’s vote at any time prior to the call for the vote.
(h) The Chair may not make motions, second them, or vote under any circumstances.
(i) In the discussion of a motion, the member who made the motion has the right to speak first and last on that motion.

(i) The Chair has the right to end discussion of a specific motion and call for a vote at any time.

(j) Members may vote in favor, in opposition, or abstain from voting.
(i) Members who do not want to be counted at all may simply refrain from voting on a motion (*not an abstention). (k) Automatically following a vote, all members of the minority opinion have an opportunity to be heard.

(i) If a voting member of the majority is swayed by the minority opinion, a motion to “reconsider the original motion” may be made.

a) If there is not 1/3 in favor of “reconsidering the original motion,” then the original vote stands, and minority rights no longer apply.

b) If, however, a 1/3 is in favor of “reconsidering the original motion,” the motion is reopened for discussion, and then followed by a second vote requiring a 2/3 majority to pass. Minority rights no longer apply and the second vote on the motion stands as counted.

(l) If any vote does not show substantial unanimity, is the cause of major disagreement, or is lacking significant participation due to abstentions in the majority or poor attendance, the Chair may choose to postpone (table) the motion.

(i) If the Chair does postpone the motion, it will be the priority in Old Business at the next regularly scheduled business meeting.

Section 3.06 Amendments to the Committee Bylaws

(a) A proposed amendment to the Bylaws must be submitted in writing to the Secretary.
(b) Chair will present amendment to the Committee and table it for the next business meeting.

(c) In the event an amendment to the Bylaws is deemed immediate and necessary, a unanimous vote by the Board of Directors and/or Advisory Council may alter the Committee Bylaws at any time.

Section 3.07 Rules of Discussion

(a) Listening:

i) No person, except for the Chair/Co-Chair, shall ever interrupt a speaker while they have the floor unless a question of procedure arises, or a prayer or recess is called for by the Prayer and Unity Chair.

(ii) The Chair/Co-Chair may only interrupt a speaker for the following reasons; 1. Speaking off the topic.
2. Speaking too long.
3. Repeating the previous points at length.

(b) Talking:

(i) Discussion will begin by the Chair asking, “Is there any discussion?” The Chair will then call on members who have their hands raised.

(ii) The Co-Chair will keep order of all the people that raised their hands when necessary. (c) Remote Attendees

(i) Any member of Alcoholics Anonymous is welcome to attend our business meeting remotely through cooperation with the Satellite Communications Chair. These members are invited to listen or observe the business meeting but will not have the right to participate or vote. NJYPAA Committee members are allowed to an opinion during the discussion section of new motions, but no vote.

Section 3.08 Finances

(a) Except as noted by this document, no money shall be spent on behalf of the Committee unless allocated as part of an 

approved convention budget or by motion favored by the quorum of the Committee. (b) All budget revisions must be approved by the quorum of the Committee.

(c) All Committee financial transactions will be made through its bank account or affiliated financial accounts and every transaction requires a receipt.

(d) Standing allocations of the Committee:

(i) The Chair of the Committee may approve expenses up to $100 as needed for committee business.

(ii) The Treasurer of the Committee may approve expenses up to $100 as needed for committee business.

(iii) The Steering Committee may make emergency allocations in accordance with this description found in the Steering Committee section of this document.

(e) All expenses incurred as per above are required to be communicated to the Treasurer and Co-Treasurer as soon as possible.

(f) The Treasurer will reimburse all approved budgeted expenses incurred on behalf of the Committee upon receiving a valid receipt.

(g) Any expense incurred on behalf of the Committee not in line with the procedures of this document may forfeit reimbursement unless reimbursement is favored by 2/3s of the Committee.

Article IV. Structure

Section 4.01 Elections and Membership

(a) The Committee elections will be conducted using the election guidelines outlined in the A.A.

Service Manual and the Third Legacy Procedure. (See Appendix)

(b) Elections for all committee positions will be held at the first formal Committee meeting proceeding the annual convention. Terms are one year in length or the consummation of that convention cycle.

(c) Attendance

(i) Failure to attend two consecutive Committee meetings without prior notice to the Chair, Co-Chair, or Secretary will be considered a voluntary resignation.

(ii) Failure to attend, whether in person or by other accepted means of attending, four Committee meetings in total, that too will be considered a voluntary resignation.

(iii) Any absence when communicated to the Chair, Co-Chair, or Secretary 48 hours prior to the meeting with excusable reason for not being present or due to an excusable personal emergency which will be judged at the discretion of the Chair, will not have this absence credited toward the attendance policy regarding the forfeiture of their electe position.

(iv) If absent, a report should be submitted in advance to the Chair, Co-Chair, or Secretary.

(d) A break in continuous sobriety is considered an automatic resignation of one’s elected committee position.

(e) All members of Alcoholics Anonymous may attend and have a voice at the Committee meetings.

(f) All members, who declare themselves Members At Large, are welcome to vote at their second consecutive Committee meeting and participate in discussion.

(g) Any elected Host Committee member may be removed from their position by a 2/3s majority vote at a regular Committee


Section 4.02 Candidates and Voting Eligibility

(a) Any A.A. member who is willing and able to serve the Committee may stand as a candidate for any position, and will have the opportunity to give a brief A.A. Service Resume, including their sobriety date and specific qualifications, before an election takes place.

(i) Proxy Nominations: An A.A Member who is unable to attend the election may stand for a position via a proxy or written notice to the Committee Chair or Secretary prior to the election. In such cases, that member should send with proxy or written notice their service resume for consideration.

(b) A suggested time requirement is listed next to each committee position. These time requirements refer to a member’s current length of continuous sobriety.

(c) In the event a candidate stands to fill a position unopposed, voting procedure is still followed. (d) Absentee voting is not permitted.
(e) No individual may hold multiple positions at once unless it is a procedure of their Chair position.

(f) The initial Committee Elections will be conducted by members of the Board of Directors and/or Advisory Council. In subsequent business meetings, the Committee Chair will hold elections for positions when necessary. The Chair will have the right to appoint a Parliamentarian for holding the Third Legacy Procedure.

Article V. Steering Committee

Section 5.01

The Steering Committee is responsible for providing general direction and guidance of the Committee, making time sensitive decisions, and allocating emergency funds that may be needed when it is not feasible for the entire Committee to meet.

Section 5.02

The Steering Committee is comprised of select elected officers, with the Chair as the head of the Steering Committee. Those elected officers are; Chair, Co-Chair, Hotel Chair, Outreach Chair, Program Chair, Registration Chair, Secretary, Treasurer.

Section 5.03

Special authority is given to the collective consciousness of the Steering Committee to address any necessary and immediate business which may arise between Committee meetings thus requiring an informed immediate action.

(i) All decisions made by the Steering Committee require a unanimous decision by the Steering Committee members meeting a minimum quorum of six voting members.

(ii) This authority and the decisions resulting from a Steering Committee, may be at any time overturned by a 2/3s majority voted by the Committee. In order to insure the limitation of these powers, all decisions made by the Steering Committee will be reported to the Committee at the next Committee meeting as part of the Chair’s report.

(iii) To further limit these powers, the Steering Committee, in an emergency situation, may vote to expense no more than $500 which must be reported at the next Committee meeting.

Article VI. Sub-Committees Guidelines and Structures Section 6.01

Any Chair may hold sub-committee meetings at their discretion.

(a) Sub-Committee meetings should be scheduled with care given to the time, day, and location, as well as other scheduled sub-committee meetings so that those interested may attend.

(b) The results of sub-committee meetings shall be reported in writing to the Secretary and presented at the following Committee meeting by the Chair of that Sub-Committee.

Section 6.02

Specific Sub-Committees exist as preordained bodies for the responsibility of carrying out certain duties on behalf of the Committee. The roster of these subcommittees is predetermined but not limited to these positions. Any member may join a subcommittee and assist in the execution of the Sub-Committee. These Sub-Committees are as follows;

Article VII. Committee Elected Position

(a) Events Subcommittee
(i) Events Chair, Events Co-Chair, Hospitality Chair, other positions as applicable.

(b) Facilities Subcommittee
(i) Hotel Chair, Accessibilities Chair, Audio/Visual Chair, Hospitality Chair, Security Chair, other positions as applicable.

(c) Outreach Subcommittee

(i) Outreach Chair, In-Reach Chair, Bid-Cities Liaison, Digital Outreach Chair, External Outreach Chair, other positions as applicable.

(d) Program Subcommittee

(i) Program Chair, Program Co-Chair, Al-Anon/Ala-Teen Liaison, Diversity Chair, Entertainment Chair, Volunteer Chair, Graphics Chair, other positions as applicable.

(e) Registration Subcommittee
(i) Registration Chair, Registration Co-Chair, Merchandise Chair, other positions as applicable.

(f) Service Liaison Subcommittee
(i)Service Liaison Chair, Service Liaison Co-Chair, H&I Chair, Literature Chair, Treatment Chair, other positions as applicable.

Article VII. Committee Elected Position

Section 7.01

The following are the descriptions for trusted servants that are elected from the Committee membership. Each of which is, in relative to the duties of its position, entitled to the Right of Decision as described in Concept 3 of the 12 Concepts for World Service. This means that each Chair and Co- Chair has great freedom in how they choose to fulfill the duties of their position. However, it is understood that each Chair will give a report of their plans, decisions, and actions at each Committee meeting and that adequate consultation with the Committee Officers will inform any important decisions and actions. “This ‘Right of Decision’ should never be made an excuse for failure to render proper reports of all significant actions taken; it ought never be used as a reason for constantly exceeding a clearly defined authority, nor as an excuse for persistently failing to consult those who are entitled to be consulted before an important decision or action is taken.” (Excerpt from Concept 3, A.A. Service Manual.)

(a) Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 3 years. Responsible for the overall functioning of the Committee. Must be able to dedicate a large amount of personal time to the commitment. Should have a solid understanding of A.A.’s 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, and 12 Concepts of World Service. Should have service experience in a leadership role. Holds all elected committee members accountable for the duties of their position and ensures that all tasks are accomplished. In the event the committee votes to relieve a member of their elected position, it is the Chair’s responsibility to inform them of the committee’s decision. Should be well informed of activities of each service position chair and any sub-committee that is formed.

Creates the agenda for general committee meetings as well as steering meetings. Opens general committee meetings and conducts the meeting in an orderly manner and consistent with our bylaws, by recognizing members entitled to the floor, limiting discussion to one person at a time, keeping the meeting focused on the topic at hand, calling the question on all motions properly made and seconded, and announcing the results of all votes. Informs group of upcoming meetings and changes. Acts as a liaison, with Secretary, between the committee and the Board of Directors and/or dvisory Council. Acts as one of the two Committee signers on the bank account. Holds one of two keys to the committee’s P.O. Box. Is an owner/ moderator of the group’s electronic message board. Responsible for mentoring and developing the role of the Co-Chair. Responsible for submitting the final financial statements, registration records, hotel records, and all final reports to the Board of Directors and/or Advisory Council within sixty days of the close of the convention.

(b) Co-Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 3 years. Assists Chair with the overall functioning of the Committee as well as provide support when needed. Should have a working knowledge of A.A.’s 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, and 12 Concepts of World Service. Assists Chair with ensuring that all tasks are accomplished. Should have service experience in a leadership role. When Chair is not present, facilitates the steering and general committee meeting and accepts full responsibilities of the Chair. In the event the committee votes to relieve the committee Chair of their elected position, it is the Co-Chair’s responsibility to inform him or her of the committee’s decision. If the Chair’s position is vacated for any reason, the Co-Chair will immediately rotate into the position of Chair for the duration of the term.

(c) Secretary – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Should have service experience in a leadership role. Should assist Chair with ensuring all tasks are being completed on schedule. Will collect elected positions and subcommittee reports and prepare the agenda for the Committee business meetings. Keeps accurate minutes of all committee meetings, including exact wording for all motions, as well as points of discussion. Answers all correspondence whether written or electronic promptly and in the spirit of the committee; making the Chair, Co-Chair, and Treasurer aware of any pressing correspondence immediately. Will check the committee P.O Box on a regular basis as well as prior to the business meetings. Responsible for emailing approved minutes to the committee and the Board of Directors and/or Advisory Council Secretary. Responsible for acquiring minutes and reports from all sub-committee meetings to keep on file. At each committee meeting, reads the previous meeting’s minutes. Keeps attendance at each meeting (and informs Chair of absences, contingent on the attendance policy). Maintains a current contact list of all committee members and positions held. Responsible for furnishing information from previous minutes upon request. Will assist in cross-committee communication and cooperation. Maintains the Committee Bylaws and makes amends when properly voted upon. Will oversee and maintain Committee’s cloud storage or equivalent. Responsible for mentoring and developing the position of the Alternate Secretary. Runs the Committee meeting in the absence of the Chair and Co-Chair.

(d) Treasurer – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 3 years. Should have service experience in a leadership role. Should have a working knowledge of A.A.’s 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, and 12 Concepts of World Service. Should have experience managing large budgets. Responsible for administration of all monies and financial records of the Committee. Keeps an up-to-date financial report, closely tracking income and expenses. Ensures that all bills are paid on time and reconciles bank accounts monthly. Conveys monthly financial reports to the Advisory Chair and Secretary, as well as upon request. Shall have bank records, financial records, checkbook, and cashbox at every Committee Meeting. Shall assist and advise all subcommittees and officers when a budget needs to be created. Acts as one of four Registered Agents on the bank account. Shall be responsible for all merchant, vendor, or financial accounts needed for the Committee. Responsible for mentoring and developing the role of the Alternate Treasurer. In the event that this committee is hosting a regional convention; 1) Will produce a proposed budget to the Board of Directors and/or Advisory Council six months prior to the convention. 2) Will 

produce final financial statements and reports to the Board of Directors and/or Advisory Council Treasurer no later than 90 days after the convention. 3) Will work to obtain any tax exemption status, state or federal, as needed.

e) Hotel Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 2 years. Should have service experience in a leadership role. Should have experience managing contracts and vendors. Responsible for working with the Board of Directors and/or Advisory Council in negotiating Hotel contracts and making amendments as necessary. Is the point of contact and representative of the Committee with Hotel prior to, during, and following the convention in all dealings and conflicts. Develops a budget for Hotel related costs with the assistance of the Treasurer. Coordinates with subcommittees and members to fulfill the Hotel specific needs for the convention. Reports monthly to the Committee the room block status, rooms booked, and other related Hotel items. Will report to the Chair at the closing of the convention. Responsible for developing the role of Hotel Co-Chair.

(f) Outreach Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 2 years. Should have service experience in a leadership role. Will serve as the Chair of the Outreach Subcommittee overseeing and facilitating the function of the Outreach Subcommittee. Responsible for developing and implementing an outreach plan for the state of New Jersey, and surrounding areas, adhering to current A.A. guidelines regarding anonymity. Responsible for outreaching for all committee functions. Should maintain a good reputation and act as a representative of this committee both in conduct at AA gatherings and online. Responsible for mentoring and developing the role of Outreach Co-Chair

(g) Program Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 2 years. Should have service experience in a leadership role and experience attending YPAA conventions and conferences. Responsible for developing the final program for the convention. Vets all potential speakers at the convention for the main meetings, panels and workshops for the convention. Presents selections to the Committee for approval. If vacancy needs to be filled for panels or meetings, may select speaker under the guidance of the Third Concept. Oversees the transportation and accommodations of all traveling speakers to convention site. Coordinates the pre-convention event at the convention. Cooperates with the Hotel, Outreach and Graphics Chair for the publication of the convention program which is submitted to Advisory Council for approval.

(h) Registration Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Should have experience managing large projects with an aptitude to adhering to deadlines. Responsible for the oversight of Registration functions prior to, during, and after the convention. Develop and maintain a database tracking registrations with registrant information and associated payments. Immediately deposits monies collected to the Treasurer for review. Corresponds with all registrants confirming their registration to the convention. Cooperates with Outreach Chair and Web Chair to ensure those positions and committees have needed registration information. Reports registration numbers to the Committee on a monthly basis. Oversees the staffing and performance of the Registration table at the convention including but not limited to the handling of the money, registrants receiving all items needed in their registration bag or equivalent, and addressing any issue which may arise associated with Registration. Reports to the Program Chair important statistics for the Roll Call at the convention. Will report necessary information to the Chair at the close of the convention for the Committee’s final report to advisory.

(i) Al-Anon/Ala-Teen Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 6 months. Responsible for coordinating Al-Anon and Ala-Teen participation at the convention. Will assist Program Chair in developing activities and meetings targeted to those participants.

(j) Alternate Secretary – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Welcomes new members to the committee and helps familiarize them with the committee structure and procedures. Guides new members to other available service opportunities on the committee. Carries out duties delegated by the Secretary. In the absence of the Secretary, accepts full responsibilities of the Secretary. If the Secretary’s position is vacated for any reason, the Alternate Secretary will immediately rotate into the position of the Secretary for the duration of the term.

(k) Alternate Treasurer – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 3 years. Should have experience managing large budgets and committee service experience. Confirms the accuracy of all Treasurers’ reports. Carries out the duties assigned by the Treasurer and assists in maintaining true financial records. In absence of the Treasurer, accepts responsibilities of the Treasurer. If the Treasurer’s position is vacated for any reason, the Alternate Treasurer will immediately rotate into the position of Treasurer

for the duration of the term.

(l) Archivist – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 6 months. Responsible for collecting flyers, documents, merchandise, audio/video files, publications, and any other items that will help preserve the committee’s history Responsible for providing Board of Directors and/or Advisory Council Archivist with collection for convention archives.

(m) Area 44 Bookers Chair - Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Responsible for attending the quarterly Bookers Bonanza to obtain speaking commitments for the committee. Works with the Service Liaison Chair to coordinate commitments. Responsible for overseeing the fulfillment of the commitments.

(n) Audio/Visual Liaison to Site – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Responsible for all Audio and Visual equipment needs for the convention and Committee events. Works with the Hotel Chair to ensure the Committee has proper equipment for all meetings panels, and events at the convention. Responsible for set up and preparation of all such Audio and Visual needs as well as breakdown and return of all equipment. May recruit a team to ensure the proper set up and maintenance of any equipment problems at the convention.

(o) Bid Package Chair1 – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Works with Secretary, Graphics Chair, and other relevant committee members to coordinate the completion, production, and transportation of bid books in accordance with the committee’s group conscience and EACYPAA and/or ICYPAA bidding requirements.

(p) Cape Atlantic Service Liaison - Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Should have a working knowledge of the 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts. Responsible for the Committee’s efforts to be involved with service opportunities within the A.A. General Service structure by communicating within the Area, Districts, and Cape Atlantic Intergroup within Area 45. Is responsible for attending Area 45 meeting. Is in charge of delegating the attendance of the Committee to Area, District, and Intergroup meetings as necessary, and reports back to the Service Liaison Subcommittee.

(q) Digital Outreach Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 6 months. Responsible for publishing all Committee events and outreach on social media. Guards the online and socialmedia presence of the Committee to keep these platforms free of any prejudice and controversy which may injure any committee or committee member. Should police our digital presence and act, if needed, as a representative of the Committee.

(r) Entertainment Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 6 months. Responsible for planning, coordinating, and delivering entertainment at the convention such as dances, comedy shows, open mics, etc. Work with Audio/Visual Chair and Events Chair to secure DJs and any other needed personnel or equipment.

(s) Events Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 2 years. Responsible for hosting events that promote awareness of NJYPAA, unity, and recovery. Coordinates event budgets with the Treasurer. Develops ideas for events and arranges/oversees all aspects of such events, including but not limited to: place, date, time, speakers, costs, refreshments, music, etc. Works closely with Outreach and Graphics Chairs to produce outreach materials for all scheduled events. Recruits volunteers to help organize and run all events. Should have a working knowledge of A.A.’s 12 Tradition to ensure all events are in accordance with those traditions. Is responsible for mentoring and developing the role of the Events Co Chair.

(t) Events Co-Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Recruits volunteers to help organize and run all events. Carries out duties dictated by the Events Chair. In the absence of Events Chair, accepts full responsibilities of the Events Chair. If the Events Chair’s position is vacated for any reason, the Events Co-Chair will immediately rotate into the position of theEvents Chair for the duration of the term.

(u) External Outreach Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Responsible for coordinating Committee outreach at meeting and events taking place outside of the state of New Jersey. Corresponds and coordinates outreach efforts with AA entities at the National, Regional, State, and City levels. Assists the Outreach Chair in duties as appointed. If the Outreach Chair position is vacated for any reason, the External Outreach Chair will immediately rotate into the position of the Outreach Chair for the duration of the term. 

(v) Graphics Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 6 months. Has access to a computer with appropriate digital technologies (Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign or equivalent) and should have experience with these technologies. Designs and produces all appropriate material requiring graphics (which may include flyers, banners, tickets, t-shirts, newsletters, etc.). This is a time-intensive position; the Graphics Chair should be comfortable adhering to deadlines. Works closely with the Events, Merchandise, Program and Outreach Chairs to support their graphic needs. Works with the Web Chair to post fliers of upcoming events to the website.

(w) Hospitality Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 6 months. Responsible for organizing, staffing and developing a budget and plan, for the hospitality suite at the convention. Will assist Events Chair as needed in accommodating food and beverage for Committee events. Oversee and arranges transportation of speakers to convention site. Point of contact for attendees regarding transportation or parking inquiries.

(x) Hotel Co-Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Acquires knowledge of how to carry out the duties of the Hotel Chair. Carries out duties delegated by the Hotel Chair. In the absence of the Hotel Chair, accepts duties of the Hotel Chair. If the Hotel Chair’s position is vacated for any reason, the Hotel Co-Chair will immediately rotate into the position of Hotel Chair for the duration of the term.

(y) Inclusivity Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 3 months. Responsible for developing a plan to include AA members who identify as belonging to commonly regarded to as minority populations within the AA community such as LGBTQ, foreign language speaking, and other ‘under-represented’ populations. Works with Program Chair to host meetings and panels at the convention serving said groups. Works with Outreach Chair to reach those communities.

(z) In-Reach Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 6 months. Responsible for coordinating Committee outreach at meeting and events taking place inside of the state of New Jersey. Corresponds and coordinates outreach efforts with AA entities at the Area 44 and Area 45, District, Intergroup, and Homegroup levels.

(aa) Literature/Grapevine Chair– Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 6 months. Obtains literature from GSO and The A.A. Grapevine Office when necessary. Responsible for the literature at our events and at the convention. Ensures that literature and Grapevine materials (or subscriptions) are available for purchase or distribution at committee events, as the committee deems appropriate. Encourages participation and submissions to Grapevine. Also responsible for the monthly Committee newsletter.

(bb) Litty Committee Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 6 Months. Responsible for enthusiasm and vivacity at tables during other YPAA conventions and events. Coordinates with Events Chair, Outreach Chair, and Registration Chair to support those endeavors. Duties may include, but are not limited to, breakout dance parties, rap battles, singalongs, and chanting. Subcommittee should maintain and practice the spirit of the 11th Tradition, in which they attract rather than promote.

(cc) Merchandise Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Working closely with Graphics Chair, creates lines of merchandise to be sold by the committee at events and online. Works with Treasurer to formulate the budget for merchandise as well as researching and obtaining quotes when necessary. Delivers all monies and invoices to the Treasurer with proper documentation when necessary. Keeps accurate record of and maintains committee inventory. Is responsible for overseeing the transportation and sale of merchandise at events, other conventions, and at NJYPAA. Responsible for designing memorabilia for registration packets.

(dd) North Jersey Service Liaison – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Should have a working knowledge of the 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts. Responsible for the Committee’s efforts to be involved with service opportunities within the A.A. General Service structure by communicating with Areas, Districts, and North Jersey Intergroup within Area 44. Is responsible for attending Area 44 ACM. Is in charge of delegating the attendance of the Committee to Area, District, and Intergroup meetings as necessary. Will serve as the chair of the Service Liaison Subcommittee.

(ee) Prayer/Unity Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 6 months. Highly suggested that the person has worked

all 12 Steps. Responsible for reminding the committee of the spiritual aspect of our service work. Responsible for opening and closing meetings with a prayer or appropriate reading. Calls for a prayer during heated debate, ever reminding us of our primary purpose. Should plan regular unit events or activities to promote and support the unity of the Committee. Will support any committee or member who needs assistance.

ff) Program Co-Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Acquires knowledge of how to carry out the duties of the Program Chair. Carries out duties delegated by the Program Chair. In the absence of the Program Chair, accepts duties of the Program Chair. If the Program Chair position is vacated for any reason, the Program Co-Chair will immediately rotate into the position of the Program Chair for the duration of the term.

(gg) Registration Co-Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Acquires knowledge of how to carry out the duties of the Registration Chair. Carries out duties delegated by the Registration Chair. In the absence of the Registration Chair, accepts duties of the Registration Chair. If the Registration Chair position is vacated for any reason, the Registration Co-Chair will immediately rotate into the position of the Registration Chair for the duration of the term.

(hh) Security Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 6 months. Responsible for the safety and security of all attendees at the convention. Will enforce site policies on smoking or vaping at the convention. Will form a security team, who will be properly outfitted, to ensure the duties of their post.

(ii) Service Liaison Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Should have a working knowledge of the 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts. Responsible for the Committee’s efforts to be full service opportunities within the A.A. General Service structure by communicating with Areas, Districts, and Intergroups in the State of New Jersey. Is in charge of delegating the attendance of the Host Committee to Area, District, and Intergroup meetings as necessary.

(jj) Service Liaison Co-Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Acquires knowledge of how to carry out the duties of the Service Liaison Chair. Carries out duties delegated by the Service Liaison Chair. In the absence of the Service Liaison Chair, accepts duties of the Service Liaison Chair. If the Service Liaison Chair position is vacated for any reason, the Service Liaison Co-Chair will immediately rotate into the position of the Service Liaison Chair for the duration of the term.

(kk) South & Central Jersey Service Liaison -- Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 1 year. Should have a working knowledge of the 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts. Responsible for the Committee’s efforts to be involved with service opportunities within the A.A. General Service structure by communicating within the Area, Districts, and South & Central Jersey Intergroup within Area 45. Is in charge of delegating the attendance of the Committee to Area, District, and Intergroup meetings as necessary, and reports back to the Service Liaison Subcommittee.

(ll) Special Needs/Accessibility Liaison – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 6 months. Communicate with, outreach to, and accommodate the Special Needs community. Responsible for obtaining ASL and foreign language interpreters for the convention. Will accommodate those with physical limitations at events and the convention.

(mm) Treatment Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 6 months. Acts as the liaison between the Committee and Sober Living/Treatment facilities. Responsible for commitments accepted by the Committee in relation to such facilities. Should encourage involvement and participation by members of such facilities with the Committee.

(nn) Volunteer Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 3 months. Recruits and maintains a list of volunteers for the convention to assist with any set-up or execution of duties on site.

(oo) Web Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 6 months. Should have prior experience with website design and implementation. Responsible for maintaining up-to-date website content, including but not limited to, all outreach and events materials, in adherence with A.A. Traditions. Works together with the Events, Graphics, and Outreach Chairs to make sure all outreach/events materials are posted and removed from the website in a timely matter. Works together with Secretary to make sure minutes of all committee meetings are posted within one week of approval. Maintains the email system and promptly updates whenever there is a change in the committee roster. Monitors incoming committee email correspondence 

through the website and forwards all incoming correspondence to the committee or relevant members. Responsible for mentoring and developing the role of Web Co-Chair.

(pp) Web Co-Chair – Suggested minimum length of sobriety: 6 months. Should have prior experience with website design and implementation. Carries out duties delegated by the Web Chair. In the absence of the Web Chair, accepts duties of the Web Chair. In the event the committee votes to relieve the Web Chair of their elected position, or if the Web Chair’s position is vacated for any reason, the Web Co-Chair will immediately rotate into the position of Web Chair for the duration of the term.

(qq) Members-at-Large – Must have desire to stop drinking. Must attend one business meeting before having the right to vote. Members at Large are not elected; they are recognized after stating their desire to be a Member at Large and having furnished their name to the Secretary.

Article VIII. The Convention Host Committee

The Committee agrees to abide by the Board of Directors and/or Advisory Council Bylaws specifically the following sections: (i) Elections to Council:
Each Convention committee shall elect three people to serve on the Advisory Council. Those being selected should have served on the Convention committee continuously for six months prior to the actual Convention on which they served, and they should have at least two years of continuous sobriety. Directly prior to the Convention, representatives from the Council shall conduct a meeting of the Host Committee for the purpose of electing three members to serve on Council. In addition to the three elected members, a first, second, and third alternate shall also be elected in the event that one or more of the three elected members are unable to fulfill their full term of service.

(ii) Convention Finances:
All convention committees are responsible to pay their own expenses and cannot expect the Council to assume any financial obligations which they may incur. However, any material and financial assistance given, including but not limited to, the $1,000 seed money, shall be returned to the Council at the completion of the convention. In addition, before or shortly after the close of the convention, the Advisory Council Treasurer shall provide the Host Committee with the Council’s budget for the upcoming year. Within 60 days of receiving Advisory’s detailed budget, the outgoing Host Committee will review Advisory’s budget and reimburse Advisory as the outgoing Host Committee deems appropriate. All profits over and above this amount shall be disbursed by the outgoing Host Committee in accordance with AA guidelines. The Treasurer will provide a recommendation to the Host Committee on the distribution of proceeds from the Committee. Note that at least 80% of the proceeds must be distributed to the Advisory Council; provide a recommendation on how up to 20% of the proceeds should be distributed to the local A.A. service structure.

(iii) P.O Box:
The convention committee shall maintain a permanent mailing address until such a time after the convention that all convention business has been completed.

(iv) Mailing List:
The Registration Chair of the convention committee should maintain a database of all registered convention attendees. This database shall be forwarded to the Advisory Council secretary within 60 days of the convention’s close. The database is confidential and should be treated as such.

Article IX. Appendix

Section 9.01

In the event of a unique condition not covered here, the Chair may suggest a method of proceeding, which shall be temporarily adopted, for that meeting only, with approval of the committee.

Section 9.02

The Committee is responsible for observing these Bylaws. The Chair is responsible for observing, enforcing and maintaining these rules of procedure.

(a) Should a participant persist on holding the floor without adhering to the requirements of these procedures, or should a participant persist in interrupting or otherwise disrupting the meeting, the Chair has a right to say, “Will you please come to order.”

(b) If the disorderly discussion continues, the Chair may suggest a break, ask the person to leave the meeting, or declare the meeting adjourned if necessary

Section 9.03

The Bid-Package Chair only becomes applicable after a committee vote to bid for EACYPAA and/or ICYPAA.

Section 9.04

The 12 Steps & 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, and the 12 Concepts forWorld Service precede all procedures covered herein. It is not the intention of the Host Committee to go against any of A.A.’s spiritual principles.

Section 9.05

The Twelve Steps of A.A.

(a) We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.

(b) Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

(c) Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, as we understood Him.

(d) Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

(e) Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

(f) Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

(g) Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

(h) Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.

(i) Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

(j) Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

(k) Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

(l) Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Section 9.06 The Twelve Traditions of A.A.
(a) Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon A.A. unity.

(b) For our group purpose, there is but one ultimate authority—a loving God as he may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.

(c) The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking.

(d) Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or A.A. as a whole.

(e) Each group has but one primary purpose—to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers.

(f) An A.A. group ought never endorse, finance or lend the A.A. name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.

(g) Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.
(h) Alcoholics Anonymous should remain forever non-professional, but our service centers may employ special workers.

(i) A.A., as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.

(j) Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy.

(k) Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and films.

(l) Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.

Section 9.07 The 12 Concepts of World Service

(a) Final responsibility and ultimate authority for A.A. world services should always reside in the collective conscience of our fellowship.

(b) The General Service convention of A.A. has become, for nearly every practical purpose, the active voice and the effective conscience of our whole Society in world affairs.

(c) To ensure effective leadership, we should endow each element of A.A.—the convention, the General Service Board and its service corporations, staffs, committees, and executives—with a traditional “Right of Decision”.

(d) At all responsible levels, we ought to maintain a traditional “Right of Participation,” allowing a voting representation in reasonable proportion to the responsibility that each must discharge.

(e) Throughout our structure, a traditional “Right of Appeal” ought to prevail, so that minority opinion will be heard and personal grievances receive careful consideration.

(f) The convention recognizes that the chief initiative and active responsibility in most world service matters should be exercised by the trustee members of the convention acting as the General Service Board.

(g) The Charter and Bylaws of the General Service Board are legal instruments, empowering the trustees to manage and conduct world service affairs. The convention Charter is not a legal document; it relies upon tradition and the A.A. purse for final effectiveness.

(h) The trustees are the principal planners and administrators of overall policy and finance. They have custodial oversight of the separately incorporated and constantly active services, exercising this through their ability to elect all the directors of these entities.

(i) Good service leadership at all levels is indispensable for our future functioning and safety. Primary world service leadership, once exercised by the founders, must necessarily be assumed by the trustees.

(j) Every service responsibility should be matched by an equal service authority, with the scope of such authority well defined.

(k) The trustees should always have the best possible committees, corporate service directors, executives, staffs, and consultants. Composition, qualification, induction procedures, and rights and duties will always be matters of serious concern.

(l) The convention shall observe the spirit of A.A. tradition, taking care that it never becomes the seat of perilous wealth or power; that sufficient operating funds and reserve be its prudent financial principle; that it place none of its members in a position of unqualified authority over others; that it reach all important decisions by discussion, vote, and, whenever possible, by substantial unanimity; that its actions never be personally punitive nor an incitement to public controversy; that it never perform acts of government, and that, like the Society it serves, it will always remain democratic in thought and action.

Section 9.08

Third Legacy Procedure (see diagram below):




















(a) NJYPAA adheres to the spiritual principles of Alcoholics Anonymous (“AA”), its 12 Steps, Traditions, and Concepts. NJYPAA is committed to an environment that is free of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment. To this end, NJYPAA requires the NJYPAA Advisory Council (“Advisory Council”), NJYPAA Host Committee (“Host Committee”) members, Bid Committee members, attendees of the annual convention or events, and all participants in NJYPAA-operated or -modera***

Facebook group and Facebook groups maintained by the Host Committee) to adhere to this Policy.


NJYPAA expressly prohibits any form of discrimination by or against its Advisory Council Members, Host Committee members, Bid Committee members, or attendees of the annual convention or events, and all participants in NJYPAA operated or -moderated websites, internet forums or social media pages, based on age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, creed, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Discrimination is adverse treatment of any individual based on their said protected attribute, rather than on the basis of their individual merit.


NJYPAA expressly prohibits any form of harassment or sexual harassment by or against any Advisory Council members, Host Committee members, Bid Committee members, attendees of the annual convention events, and all participants in NJYPAA-operated or -moderated websites, Internet forums or social media pages. Harassment is unwelcomed and unwanted conduct, whether verbal, physical or visual, toward an individual because of their age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, creed, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, when the conduct creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. Sexual harassment is conduct by a person of any gender, whether of the same or different gender, which makes or subjects any person to unwelcome sexual advances, unwelcome requests for sexual favors, or engages in any other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, where (1) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for decisions affecting that individual, or (2) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s experience by creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. Determining what constitutes sexual harassment depends upon the specific facts and the context in which the conduct occurs. Sexual harassment may take many forms-subtle and indirect, or blatant and overt.



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